Inland Empire Foundation For Medical Care (IEFMC)

The Inland Empire Foundation For Medical Care (IEFMC) is a sister organization to the Riverside County Medical Association (RCMA). Since 1960, IEFMC has been owned and directed by the physicians in the Inland Empire to support the local physician community and the patients they serve. Current IEFMC Projects Include:

Population Health Quality Improvement Program 

Population Health  Education

Our Networks

Maddy Emergency Medical Services Fund  

IEFMC operates on the premise that

  • Physicians must retain responsibility and leadership in the design, administration and delivery of medical services
  • Medical care must be provided at a just and equitable cost to both patient and physician
  • Peer review conducted by physician members must be encouraged as an efficient mechanism to control the rise of medical costs
  • Patients are given the freedom to choose their physicians
  • The physician/patient relationship must be maintained and guarded